Dare to Begin
In 2021, Novak began writing a fiction novel, The House Musician. Though the book is complete, it's currently being shopped to agents and publishers with a hopeful publishing date of 2025.
In the meantime, Novak was approached by Wildebeest Publishing Company to write a book both chronicling her own journey and inspiring others to follow their dreams. The result is Dare to Begin, published in September 2022 and now available on Amazon, at shows and here on the website.
Read more about Novak's journey as a musician, artist and author here.

the goal
Dare to Begin challenges readers to take action to achieve their artistic goals. These aren't lessons you'll typically hear in music school or drama classes. These are the biggest lessons I learned the hard way as I fought my way through doubt, fear, and jealousy to become
a successful artist.
Congratulations on being brave enough to Dare to Begin.
- JN

what others are saying
"You have further inspired me and I continue to write and write some more. I'm hoping to post something soon of my singing or at least covering a song. I'm also entering a songwriting contest. I never would have felt confident enough before, but after reading your book, I'm realizing, if I don't do it, I'm losing. If I do it, I'm winning either way...Thank you for publishing this book. I know I will be revisiting it time and again."
- Sara
"I cannot express how helpful it has been. Sometimes we aren't ready in our younger lives to hear and accept certain things. It's amazing how when we are a bit older, our eyes open up to information that's always been there. Each chapter seems more brutally honest than the previous one. I love the questions after each chapter, the awesome quotes and your author tips. The questions I'm doing in a separate journal because I am passing the book on when I'm done and I know they'll love it too."
- Mill
"I absolutely love this book. It's so honest, real and just beautifully written. My favorite words so far: 'Call fear a liar. And then keep going.'"
- Kavina